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Which generator to choose - gasoline or diesel

Regular interruptions in the supply of electricity, lack of connection to the network lead to the inability to use household appliances and equipment. But this problem is easily solved by using backup power plants. Manufacturers produce gasoline and diesel. What kind of preference?

Gasoline Generators: Advantages and Disadvantages

Gasoline generators - the most popular type in everyday life. This phenomenon is based on characteristic features:

  • mobility. Light weight makes it easy to carry the device;
  • petrol models are quieter;
  • in comparison with the diesel counterpart in power, they cost 30-40% less;
  • used gasoline grades A-92 or A-95. This allows you to start the device at low temperatures.

Compared to diesel power stations, gasoline stations have less resource. They are not designed for high and continuous loads. An important disadvantage is the high fuel consumption. In the process of choosing a power plant, it is necessary to take into account the constant costs of its operation.

Diesel generators: advantages and disadvantages

These devices are used at construction and repair facilities, in private cottages and at many other sites without connecting to a central network. Manufacturers offer a wide range of portable and stationary devices with various technical characteristics.

Advantages of diesel generators:

  • have a large motor resource. Can be used as a constant source of energy;
  • perfectly cope with high loads;
  • cheap fuel.


  • relatively high cost;
  • impressive noise level;
  • portable models rarely have a heating function. This makes it difficult to start at low temperatures.

An analysis of the features of both types of devices shows that in the selection process, the buyer must clearly understand their needs and the conditions for using the backup power station. If you have any difficulties - contact the seller.

Regardless of your choice, give preference to devices of well-known manufacturers. Large companies have the scientific and technical potential for the development of generators with improved technical characteristics and a large motor resource. Investments will pay off with the term of operation and profitability.

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